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ExpenseReport for Pocket PC 4.0

ExpenseReport for Pocket PC 4.0

ExpenseReport for Pocket PC Publisher's Description

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This application is also available as part of the MegaPack application library! MegaPack gives you a library of almost 100 full featured applications in eight different categories. It includes L3's award winning and best selling apps for business, personal productivity, health, utilities, games, and more. And all at a bargain price!

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Requires common runtime Booster file: free download here.

L3's ExpenseReport lets you record your expenses quickly and easily, as you make them, so you'll never lose track of travel expenses again.

No more wasting time when you get back to the office transcribing all of your receipts, and trying to remember all of your expenses. One click and Expense Report will export direct to a comma delimited note for easy synchronization with Word or Excel.

Expense Report's Summary view provides instant totals by category of your expenses. If you are on a daily or weekly budget or per diem reimbursement plan, the Summary will make sure you don't exceed your allotment. Expense Report can pay for itself in just one day's use!

You can even track expenses that are billable to clients, and note the Client to be billed.

Each expense record indicates the expense amount, a short description, the vendor, client, and category, and whether the expense is deductible. And you can add a free form note to any expense to ensure that your business deductions are fully documented.

You can add as many Categories, Clients, and Vendors as you wish, all in a fast and easy to use interface.

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